Say NO to Irresponsible Development on
Middletown Hillside

Our community stands united for responsible development that respects this historic hillside neighborhood, and offers affordable housing density that complies with the base zoning laws.

Say NO to Irresponsible Development on Middletown Hillside

Our community stands united for responsible development that respects this historic hillside neighborhood, and offers affordable housing density that complies with the base zoning laws.

Say NO to Irresponsible Development on
Middletown Hillside

Our community stands united for responsible development that respects this historic hillside neighborhood, and offers affordable housing density that complies with the base zoning laws.

Protecting Our Neighborhood's Historic Character and Community Safety

A proposed 172-foot high-rise threatens to destroy the unique character of our Middletown neighborhood. City politics are enabling corporate developer greed and offers negligible affordable housing.

Be Part of the Change

Subscribe to Our Newsletter for Updates on Advocacy, Community Actions, and Progress in Safeguarding Middletown Hillside from Irresponsible Development.

What’s Wrong With This Development

R.E.S.T. - Responsible, Equitable, Sustainable, and Thoughtful Development

  • Responsible development that considers community well-being.
  • Equitable development review processes that involve all neighborhood stakeholders, not just political and corporate developer interests.
  • Sustainable living that supports traffic, parking, public safety, and transit.
  • Thoughtful planning and consideration of historic urban neighborhoods, avoiding reckless, overbearing high-rise projects.


Let's fight for responsible and sustainable urban development.

Thank you for standing with us in this important cause. There are five main ways to get involved: signing the petition, staying informed by signing up for emails, volunteering to help, emailing officials and developers, and making a donation.

News & Events

Stay updated with the latest news, upcoming events, and initiatives that drive our collective progress. Together, we’re building a future that honors our past and enhances our present.


16 Street Parking Spaces To Be Removed For  New High-Rise Fire-Lane Access

16 Street Parking Spaces To Be Removed For New High-Rise Fire-Lane Access

The most recent fire-safety review insists that all street parking on the east side of Columbia St will need to be removed to support a new critical fire lane access for this proposed high-rise.  Reference DSD PRJ-1126254 assessment comment #61. This will remove about 16 street parking spaces, impacting residents and nearby restaurant patrons. Write to […]

DSD Needs to Request a Comprehensive Fire Safety Review

DSD Needs to Request a Comprehensive Fire Safety Review

A small, representative community group met with SDFD to discuss the neighborhood fire safety impacts of this proposed high-rise.  We are very appreciative of SDFD’s professional and forthright explanations of the challenges they face with these types of buildings in old, historic communities. They share many of our documented concerns.  However, it’s our understanding that the city […]

High Rise is Accurately Located Over an Active Earthquake Fault

High Rise is Accurately Located Over an Active Earthquake Fault

Given the size of this massive high-rise, an earthquake induced structural failure will have a devastating impact on the neighborhood.  The California Geological Survey’s (CGS) Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone map for this area “accurately locates” an active fault running directly through the two lots for the proposed high rise apartment building. Reference This mapping is […]

Make a Donation to Help Preserve Middletown Hillside

Your non-tax-deductible contributions support our fight for responsible development on the Middletown hillside neighborhoods. Thank you for standing with us in this important cause.